Looking back at older photographs of mine, I sometimes wonder what I was thinking when I made those shots. Not only that the technique I used was far from perfect, but sometimes I am astonished why the heck I made this shot at all. Today, I wold either not make it, or I would choose a completely different approach. This is good news for me, an indicator that my preferences have changed and my style (whatever that is) is not static, but continuously changing.
In that process, I also became aware that I am more interested in seascape photography than I am actually in landscape photography. I didn’t conciosuly recognize this until I went through my archives and tried to identify the most interesting pictures that I have made so far. It was actually quite surprised to find out that it were the seascapes that made the greatest impressions to me. Until then I assumed that I fell into the same photography category of Ansel Adams (great landscapes, preferably in monochrome) which I always counted amongst my favorite photographers.
Now I realize that my photography is so much not the style of Ansel Adams – and that I am absolutely ok with that. Quite a surprise to me. But somehow something I should have expected, as my father was always drawn to the sea and sailing boats – it seems at last I have inherited some of his desires to be with the ocean.
Obviously, photography can tell you more about yourself – when you look closer.
For me that means, I will visit the sea more often. I will try to visit coastline wherever I can – at last I have found my personal preferences and know where to look.
To the sea.

2 responses to “To the Sea”
Wahnsinn. Wow!!!!
Bin begeistert, vor allem von “The moon and the Sea”.
Ne geniale Atmosphäre kommt rüber, Traumwelt, nur schön.
Gibt irgendwie so ne ambivalente Gefühlsmischung aus Faszination und ein bischen Furcht wieder.
Wenn ich meinen neuen Mac haben sollte, werde ich fragen, obs ich als Hintergrundbild verwenden darf ;o)
Vielen Dank! Gerne kann ich das Hintergrundbild zuschicken 🙂 Viele Grüße, Andreas