Tag: Life

  • Mind Shift Rotation 180

    Mind Shift Rotation 180

    I have been using the Mind Shift Rotation Backpack for two years now and I have to say that I am very impressed. This backpack allows me to have significantly better access to my camera without making compromises in terms of comfort and long distance hiking. Being out with the kids very often, I can…

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  • Eternity


    time can never be lost or found- it can only be used more wisely. Eternity is nothing that can be achieved by us – as long as we perceive it as a duration or point in distant future. However, if eternity is something so remotely in the future that the past is everything but a…

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  • Growth


    Life is about growing. We never stay the same person, but change constantly as does our environment. We live on change, you could even say that change is one of the major factors that drive us through life. For example: we can not directly detect temperatures, all we can detect is the withdrawal or the…

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  • Lighthouses


    Everybody needs a lighthouse. Some point of orientation, something to provide guidance and perspective. Something that drives us to one direction, that makes us move and leave our current position. A lighthouse is not only something to warn against fatal reefs, but also a landmark, an important point of the journey.

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  • Digital Life

    Digital Life

    We say that we have a digital life. Scientifically this is non- sense. Digital is just 1-0 or 0-1. Everything around me is very much analogue. With digital we chop reality into peaces of 1s and 0s one of the arguments I remember is that there is no “loss”, even if you copy the data…

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