
  • Fujinon XF16 F1.4

    Fujinon XF16 F1.4

    I have been using this lens now for approximately three weeks during our last holiday in Dorset. My primary use is landscape and seascape photography on a Fuji X-T1. It is mostly used with small apertures (f16) to achieve highest depth of field. In a nutshell: This lens is amazing. The lens was used in…

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  • Soul


    If there is one thing that we – as human beings – discussed for centuries and still elude to get the answer, it is the question: What is the soul? Everybody has some idea about it. Sometimes we know it is there. Sometimes we feel ist is missing. Interesting enough, we associate it primarily with living beings.…

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  • The Magic of the Print

    The Magic of the Print

    Theoretically, with today’s technology in screen based presentation of picturse, you could say that quality has evolved to the point that you may no longer need to print out anything anymore. Resolution, color reproduction and ease of use have come to a point that what you see on screen has a physical quality, that may…

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  • De – Cision

    De – Cision

    The German language has a different word here: Entscheidung. The German word Scheidung means to separate something. We also have the phrase Scheiden tut weh – it hurts to be separated (from someone or something). So if we say Entscheidung, it actually means something good. We end an inner separation, we bring together the things,…

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  • First Experiences: Fuji X-E1 and the Fujinon 56 1.4 Lens

    First Experiences: Fuji X-E1 and the Fujinon 56 1.4 Lens

    This one is about gear. Some weeks ago I was looking for a shift in my “day to day” equipment section. I used a Canon G1X – which gave great raw files and was good for my landscape photography. However I was not that happy using it for family business – a little bit to…

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  • Miracle


    Life is a miracle. If you think about the sometimes very destructive mechanisms forging the universe, the chance that something as beautiful as a birch tree in the evening light even exists is diminishing low. Anyway – the physical universe does not know beauty. Life knows beauty. Human beings know beauty. And yet, here we…

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  • Expectations


    Life is full of expectations. From the very beginning of our childhood, we are surrounded by experiences of expectation. From the excitement the night before Christmas over the first anxiety of exams in school to the first kiss – imagination, hope and expectations are driving us and determine our way to feel. We can feel…

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  • Universe of Things

    Universe of Things

    Canon recently announced that two new cameras with impressive resolution will arrive soon. The technical specifications sound very promising – more than 50MP, interesting new features, especially for the landscape photographer. This new gear is tempting – indeed. But, the more I think about it, the less I need these cameras. They do not improve…

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  • Eternity


    time can never be lost or found- it can only be used more wisely. Eternity is nothing that can be achieved by us – as long as we perceive it as a duration or point in distant future. However, if eternity is something so remotely in the future that the past is everything but a…

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  • Analogue


    I like digital photography. A lot. My photography has improved significantly in terms of quality of the print, the way the pictures can be used, shared etc. However, it has not changed the way that I make pictures. I still try to get it right in camera, avoiding a lot of post production work. Though…

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