I have been using this lens now for approximately three weeks during our last holiday in Dorset. My primary use is landscape and seascape photography on a Fuji X-T1. It is mostly used with small apertures (f16) to achieve highest depth of field.
In a nutshell: This lens is amazing.
The lens was used in some difficult weather conditions (rain, spray from the sea) and did not suffer any damage so far. I am very confident this lens will last for a long time.
The picture quality in terms of corner to corner sharpness is very convincing. It is the best wide angle lens that I have ever used. Vignetting is not an issue, even with the Lee filter system holder attached to the lens. The minimal focal distance is very short, allowing for very creative shots and compositions. For my daily work here, this lens has become the major workhorse. And I would buy it again, definitely.
This post contains some sample pictures, see for yourself.