Author: Andreas

  • Lighthouses


    Everybody needs a lighthouse. Some point of orientation, something to provide guidance and perspective. Something that drives us to one direction, that makes us move and leave our current position. A lighthouse is not only something to warn against fatal reefs, but also a landmark, an important point of the journey.

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  • Express Yourself

    Express Yourself

    Photography can be like writing a book. You want to say something. You want to show what impression one place or light made on you when you were there. Like grammar, the photographic skills are your craft to allow you to express yourself, to have some stile. Like authors, even the same sceneries can be…

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  • Detail Work

    Detail Work

    It is not always the big landscape that makes interesting pictures. Sometimes nature surprises with a lot of beauty in the details of plants, stones or small objects you may find on a beach. I came across this tree during a hike on the deep ravine trail near Stinson beach, CA. The light was low,…

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  • Digital Life

    Digital Life

    We say that we have a digital life. Scientifically this is non- sense. Digital is just 1-0 or 0-1. Everything around me is very much analogue. With digital we chop reality into peaces of 1s and 0s one of the arguments I remember is that there is no “loss”, even if you copy the data…

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  • Small Things

    Small Things

      Sometimes even the small things can make interesting pictures — it is just  about to see them. The good news is that everyone is drawn to different things to see. There is an infinite number of expressions to explore.

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  • Print of Today

    Print of Today

      This picture was made near the Altenberger Dom during a small hike my family and me did back in 2012. The transformation to monochrome was a good choice – I especially like the structure that is much better visible when seen in monochrome.

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